Summer Food Service Program
Managing Peanut Allergies
Each school year, many school food authorities (SFAs) seek guidance to assist them with developing policies and plans that address keeping students with food allergies safe in the school environment.
Signage for Cafeterias
There are several companies that have relatively inexpensive signage available for purchase to illustrate USDA's MyPlate icon and/or ways to communicate the new meal pattern. We (the New York State Education Department) do not endorse or advocate specific companies or products. I just want to let you know of available options. Some districts are laminating the USDA posters.
If you decide to order your own signage using USDA's MyPlate materials, I have provided USDA's guide and conditions for using their icon.
Child Nutrition Reauthorization 2010: Cooperation with Program Research and Evaluation of Child Nutrition Programs
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (the Act), Public law 111-296, clarifies requirements for participation in evaluations, studies and research in the Child Nutrition Programs.
SFA Responsibilities when Contracting with a Food Service Management Company
When contracting with a Food Service Management Company (FSMC), a school food authority (SFA) has several fiduciary responsibilities that must periodically take place during the term of the contract to ensure the fiscal integrity of its child nutrition programs, for example: administrative oversight, monitoring, reviewing invoices and record keeping.
Contracting with Food Service Management Companies:Guidance for School Food Authorities
The United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA's) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has released its updated version of the 1995 guidance entitled Contracting with Food Service Management Companies: Guidance for School Food Authorities. This guidance provides clear information and guidance regarding the responsibilities that reside with the district or school or residential child care institution (RCCI)when it decides to contract with a Food Service Management Company (FSMC).
Procedures to Follow When Using a Food Service Management Company-Walkthrough/Bidding
Any public school that intends to use a Food Service Management Company (FSMC) to run their food service operation must competitively bid for services. A non-public school, jail or residential child care institution participating in a Child Nutrition Program that wants to use a management company to manage their food service operation in whole or in part must competitively bid for those services.
Reaffirming the Requirement that School Food Authorities Comply with Federal Regulations Affecting Rebates, Discounts and Other Applicable Credits in All Cost Reimbursable Contracts
State Agencies (SAs) have just received another memo from USDA reiterating the importance of School Food Authorities (SFAs) ensuring Food Service Management Company (FSMC) compliance with the procurement requirements. These requirements are established in regulations affecting the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), and Special Milk Program (SMP) which became effective on November 30, 2007 and emphasizes that:
ARCHIVED And Justice For All Memo (07/14)
The “And Justice for All” posters are due for revision; however, the re-printing has been delayed indefinitely. In the interim, the 1999 “And Justice for All” posters are to be used in all programs administered with USDA funds. Please note that text in the 2013 updated Nondiscrimination Statement required to be used on all Child Nutrition Program materials is different from text on the posters. USDA recognizes this, but directs that the 1999 version of the poster is acceptable for display.
Outreach to Households on the Availability of SFSP Meals (01/10)
Section 112 of The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (the Act), Public Law 111-296, amends section 13(a) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1761(a)) to require that each State agency that administers the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), to the maximum extent practicable, ensures that school food authorities (SFAs) cooperate with SFSP service institutions to inform eligible families of the availability and location of free meals for students when the regular school year ends.