The SFA must retain all documents submitted by the household or duplicates of those documents, including all relevant correspondence between the SFA and households. You may document and/or note information directly on the application when contacting families for further information. A separate sheet of paper can also be attached. If the documents cannot be kept, the verifying official must make a written record of the documents submitted. Copies of all relevant correspondence between the households selected for verification and the school must be maintained with program records for three years plus the current year.
For each application verified, SFAs must maintain records documenting:
- The source of information used to verify the application
- Documentation may include a wage stub or documentation from employer or collateral contacts
- Any changes in eligibility as a result of verification, including:
- the changes
- the reason for the changes
- date the changes were made
- records of follow-up attempts and results
Program regulations also require SFAs to maintain a description of their verification activities.
This includes:
- the total number of applications on file as of October 1
- a summary of the verification efforts, including the selection process
- the percentage and number of applications that have been verified
- the SFA must also be able to demonstrate compliance with the confirmation review requirement and provision of a no-cost telephone number for assistance in the verification process