Special Milk Program
Instructions for Preparing the Cash Analysis Report for Non-Public School Food Authorities
General Instructions
All required data must be reported on an accrual basis to the nearest whole cent.
Program Addition Application Process
Program Addition Application Process
- To add a Program (Breakfast, Lunch, Extended Day Snack, Afterschool Snack, Milk), request an application at cn@nysed.gov - put Program Addition Application in the subject line
- Meet all Program requirements
Program Addition Submission Deadline
- Enrollment is on-going
Program Addition Approval
Sharing Aggregate Data and Disclosure Requirements
The purpose of this memorandum is to remind school food authorities (SFAs), schools, and sponsoring organizations operating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), the School Breakfast Program (SBP), and the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) about data sharing and disclosure requirements.
Data Sharing
SY 2016-2017 Eligibility Webinar
Please click here to access the Eligibility Webinar.
Eligibility Webinar Q and A
1. What if a student listed on the Direct Certification Matching Process (DCMP) list lives in a household with another student who is not related to the student found on the list?
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) in Schools Reauthorization 2004
Section 111 of the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-265) amended section 9(h) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act by requiring school food authorities (SFAs) to implement a food safety program. The Reauthorization Act requires that, during the preparation and service of meals, the SFA comply with a HACCP system established by the Secretary of Agriculture. The law requires compliance with this requirement by July 1, 2005.
Child Nutrition Program Civil Rights Requirements
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) is required to comply with the regulations of the United States Office of Civil Rights. Local Education Agencies (LEAs) that receive federal funds from USDA such as Child Nutrition Program lunch, breakfast, snack, or milk reimbursements must collect data specific to their operations regarding non-discrimination and civil rights. Most school districts and many nonpublic schools already collect this data as part of the No Child Left Behind Act.
Procurement Geographic Preference Q&As
USDA recently created the attached Questions and Answers (Q&As) to further explain the geographic preference option. This information will provide guidance and technical assistance to schools that are trying to connect with local or regional farmers in order to incorporate more fresh, local foods into their school meal programs.
Using Vending Machines to Provide Reimbursable Meals in the School Meal Programs
There is a growing interest among school food authorities (SFAs) on the use of vending machines to provide reimbursable meals in the school meal programs. USDA has provided the following guidance for SFAs that are considering whether a meal vending machine could be successfully incorporated into their National School Lunch (NSLP) and School Breakfast Programs (SBP).
Record-Keeping for Procurement Transactions
School food authorities (SFAs) must maintain appropriate records for procurement transactions occurring in connection with the Child Nutrition Programs.
Farm to School Cafeteria Initiatives
The recently enacted Fiscal Year 2008 Agriculture Appropriations Act directed the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to work with School Meal Program administrators and local food advocates to identify opportunities for growth in local procurement, and provide Congress a report on these efforts. In response to this request and their ongoing Farm to School efforts, USDA recently held a “Farm to School” session at the National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference sponsored by the Food Research and Action Center and America’s Second Harvest. The session, which was held on March