School Breakfast Program
REVISED Prohibition Against Meal Shaming
Mandatory Breakfast After the Bell Implementation and Reporting of Breakfast Delivery Methods
In accordance with Section 2, Part B of Chapter 56 of the Laws of 2018, beginning in the 2018-2019 school year, and continuing every year thereafter, all public elementary or secondary schools with at least seventy percent or more of its students eligible for free or reduced-price meals under the federal National School Lunch Program are required to offer all students a school breakfast after the instructional day has begun, “Breakfast After the Bell.” The schools meeting 70 percent free and reduced price were determined by the State Education Department (SED) based upon data submitted th
16-17 NYS Farm to School Survey Results
Results are in from the 2016 - 2017 NYS Farm to School survey. Click here for more information on what types of local products schools are buying from NYS farms and how these foods are being integrated into school meals.
2024-2025 School Year Income Verification Procedures
24-25 Annual Renewal Tutorial
New training tools have been posted! The SY 2024 - 2025 Annual Renewal Tutorial can be found on the Tutorials webpage under the Training tab.
2017-2018 Adult/Student Selling Prices
Adult Selling Prices
- Schools that receive regular reimbursement for breakfast must charge a minimum of $1.86 plus tax for an adult breakfast meal
- Schools that receive severe need reimbursement for breakfast must charge a minimum of $2.20 plus tax for an adult breakfast meal
- Schools that receive under 60% ($3.2899) for lunch must charge a minimum of $3.63 plus tax for an adult lunch
Child Nutrition Training Opportunities
The New York State Education Department offers both in-person and online training for school Food Service Directors/Managers and interested school business officials, supervisors, cook managers, and others involved with the operation of school nutrition programs. These training are provided at no charge and contribute toward Professional Standards annual training requirements.
State-Wide DCMP and Mandatory Reporting of SNAP/Medicaid Eligible Students
Online Direct Certification Matching Process (DCMP)
To provide increased access to free meals to children entitled to free meal benefits and allow for more accurate reporting, and better policy and decision making at the local, State and federal levels, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) provides a state-level Direct Certification Matching Process (DCMP).
Program Addition Application Process
Program Addition Application Process
- To add a Program (Breakfast, Lunch, Extended Day Snack, Afterschool Snack, Milk), request an application at - put Program Addition Application in the subject line
- Meet all Program requirements
Program Addition Submission Deadline
- Enrollment is on-going
Program Addition Approval
Guidance on Procurement Methods: Thresholds UPDATED
The purpose of this memo is to clarify the different types of procurement requirements school food authorities (SFAs) and Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) sponsors MUST follow when using funds from the non- profit foodservice account to purchase goods and services for the federal Child Nutrition Programs. Thresholds discussed in this guidance are current as of August 2018 and are subject to change.