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Cycle 4, Year 1

Administrative Reviews Conducted In School Year 2024-2025

The table below lists the SFAs scheduled for an Administrative Review in SY 2024-2025.  You may click on the SFA name to see a findings summary document after the review has been completed.

SFA Name LEA Code
A H Schreiber Hebrew Acad Of Rocklan 500402226478
Academy Charter School 280201860934
Al Madrasa Al Islamiya 331500629812
Alfred-Almond CSD 020101040000
Amani Public Charter School 660900861000
Andalusia School 662300625497
Andes CSD 120102040000
Auburn City SD 050100010000
Bais Brocho Of Karlin Stolin 331500228974
Bais Trany Of Monsey 500402225496
Bais Yaakov D'Chassidei Gur 332000228651
Bais Yaakov Faigeh Schonberger 331500229003
Baker Hall School 141800137227
Bayport-Blue Point UFSD 580505020000
Bedford Stuy New Beginnings Charter 331600860971
Belleville-Henderson CSD 220909040000
Bet Yaakov Ohr Sarah 332100229599
Beth Rivkah High School 331700207384
Bnos Malka Academy 342800225513
Bnos Square Of Williamsburg 331400229999
Bnos Yerushalayim 332000228527
Bold Charter School 320800861143
Bolivar-Richburg CSD 022902040000
Boquet Valley CSD 151801040000
Bridgehampton UFSD 580909020000
Brighter Choice Cs-Girls 010100860830
Brockport CSD 261801060000
Brooklyn Dreams Charter School 332200860978
Brushton-Moira CSD 161601040000
Cairo-Durham CSD 190301040000
Canajoharie CSD 270301040000
Canandaigua City SD 430300050000
Candor CSD 600301040000
Canisteo-Greenwood CSD 571502060000
Carthage CSD 222201060000
Cassadaga Valley CSD 060401040000
Cattaraugus-Little Valley CSD 042302040000
Center For Disability Services 010100997850
Center For Spectrum Services 621601996004
Central Uta Of Monsey - Girls 500401226135
Chabad Academy of Arts and Science 342600225967
Charlotte Valley CSD 120401040000
Charter Sch-Educ Excellence 662300860862
Charter School-Applied Technologies 142601860031
Chautauqua Lake CSD 060503040000
Clarkstown CSD 500101060000
Cobleskill-Richmondville CSD 541102060000
Commack UFSD 580410030000
Coney Island Prep Public Cs 332100860949
Cong Mesivta Tiferes Mordechi 500402226723
Cong Talmidei Mesivta Tiferes Shmiel 332000226218
Cong Yeshuos Moshe Of Williamsburg 331400226240
Congregation Bais Chinuch Ateres Bno 500402226246
Congregation Bnei Yoel School #38 441201229273
Congregation Machna Shalva 332000225453
Congregation Ohr Menachem 331700225617
Cooke School and Institute 310400996590
Cooperstown CSD 471701040000
Cortland City SD 110200010000
Creo College Prep Charter School 320700861145
Dansville CSD 241001060000
Darkei Chaim 331500226008
Darkei Tshivo Of Dinov 331400226020
Desales Catholic Elementary School 400400136417
Devereux In NY 131701999086
Earl Monroe New Renaissance Basketball Charter School 320700861169
East Hampton UFSD 580301020000
East Quogue UFSD 580917020000
Eastern Suffolk Boces 589100000000
Edinburg Common SD 520601080000
Elba CSD 180901040000
Elmcrest Childrens Center 421800997437
Elmira City SD 070600010000
Elmira Heights CSD 070902060000
Equality Charter School 321100860956
Equity Project Charter School 310600860929
Erie 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Boces 149200000000
Eugenio Maria De Hostos Charter 261600860811
Fallsburg CSD 590501060000
Family Life Academy Charter 320900860839
Farmingdale UFSD 280522030000
Fort Edward UFSD 640601020000
Franklinville CSD 041101040000
Fresh Air Fund (The) 310200630310
Frewsburg CSD 060301040000
Fulton City SD 460500010000
Gan Yisroel 332000229822
Genesee Community Cs 261600860826
Genesee Valley Boces 249000000000
Gilbertsville-Mount Upton CSD 470202040000
Global Concepts Charter School 141800860044
Good Shepherd Services 310200630289
Gouverneur CSD 511101060000
Greenwich CSD 640801040000
Haldane CSD 480401040000
Hamilton CSD 250701040000
Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery Boces 209000000000
Hammond CSD 511201040000
Harrison CSD 660501060000
Health Sciences Charter School 140600860961
Hebrew Language Academy Cs 332200860955
Heuvelton CSD 512404040000
Holy Family School 081200185526
Honeoye Falls-Lima CSD 260901060000
Hoosic Valley CSD 491401040000
Hope Hall School 260401999477
Hychel Hatorah 331400229829
Island Park UFSD 280231020000
Jasper-Troupsburg CSD 572702040000
Jewish Child Care Assoc Of NY 310200630024
Johnsburg CSD 630601040000
KHHD Yoel Of Satmar BP 331400225510
Kinderhook CSD 101401040000
La Fargeville CSD 221401040000
La Salle School 010100115705
Lakeland CSD 662401060000
Lancaster CSD 141901060000
Little Flower Children's Services 580603021005
Liverpool CSD 421501060000
Living Word Academy 420401808261
Long Beach City SD 280300010000
Long Island Hebrew Academy 280407229720
Long Lake CSD 200701040000
Lyndonville CSD 451001040000
Marathon CSD 110901040000
Margaretville CSD 121401040000
Masores Bais Yaakov High School 332200225688
Mattituck-Cutchogue UFSD 581012020000
Mayfield CSD 170801040000
Mechanicville City SD 521200050000
Merrick Academy - Queens Public Charter 342900860821
Mesifta Beth Shraga 500402206673
Mesivta Tiferes Yisroel 332200229143
Mevakshai Torah 332200226299
Middle Village Prep Charter School 342400861048
Midrash L'Man Achai 342800225720
Millbrook CSD 132201040000
Monroe-Woodbury CSD 441201060000
Mosdos Chasidei Square 331400227886
Mosdos Sanz Klausenburg Of Monsey 500402229806
Mosdos Satmar Of Bloomingburg 440401226287
Mott Haven Academy Charter School 320700860925
Mount Academy 620600996089
Mount Markham CSD 212001040000
Mountain Lake Academy 151102999844
Mt Pleasant CSD 660801060000
Nassau Co Juvenile Detention Center 280401951000
New Heights Academy Charter School 310600860887
New Hyde Park-Garden City Park UFSD 280405020000
New Lebanon CSD 101601040000
New Roots Charter School 610600860944
New World Prep Charter School 353100860984
New York State School For The Deaf 411800877482
Newark CSD 650101060000
Newfield CSD 610901040000
Niagara-Wheatfield CSD 400701060000
Niskayuna CSD 530301060000
Northeast Parent & Child Society 530600998000
Northeastern Clinton CSD 090501040000
Northport-East Northport UFSD 580404030000
Notre Dame High School 180300137112
Ogdensburg City SD 512300010000
Oneida City SD 251400010000
Oswego County Opportunities Inc-Saf 461300011001
Pawling CSD 131201040000
Peninsula Prep Academy Cs 342700860869
Pharos Academy Charter School 321200860870
Pine Plains CSD 131301040000
Plainview-Old Bethpage CSD 280504060000
Pleasantville UFSD 660809030000
Putnam-Northern Westchester Boces 489000000000
Red Creek CSD 651503040000
Remsenburg-Speonk UFSD 580901020000
Renaissance Academy Cs-Arts 260501861067
Salvation Army (The) 421800630012
Sco Family Of Services 280501890176
Seton Catholic School 091101159175
Sewanhaka Central HS District 280252070000
Shelter Island UFSD 580701020000
Sheri Torah Larkin 441201229930
Sherrill City SD 412000050000
South Buffalo Charter School 140600860817
South Orangetown CSD 500301060000
Southampton UFSD 580906030000
Southold UFSD 581005020000
Southside Academy Charter School 421800860845
Southwestern CSD At Jamestown 060201060000
Spencer-Van Etten CSD 600801040000
St Anne Institute 010100115658
St John Lutheran School 400701325766
St John The Baptist School 140101136379
Step-Special Torah Educ Prog 332200229642
Storefront Academy CS 320700861080
Syracuse Academy Of Science Cs 421800860854
Talmud Torah Bobov Monsey 500402225047
Talmud Torah D'Nitra 331300229955
Talmud Torah Ohel Yochanan 332200229972
Talmud Torah Ohr Moshe 332000225465
Tapestry Charter School 140600860838
Tomer Dvora School - Site 1 332000227945
Torah High School Long Beach 280300206622
Town Of Webb UFSD 211901020000
Troy City SD 491700010000
Unadilla Valley CSD 500402228423
Uniondale UFSD 081003040000
Urban Assembly CS- Computer Science 321200861107
UTA 280202030000
Valley Stream 24 UFSD 280224020000
Valley Stream Central HS District 280251070000
Villa Of Hope 260501996191
Vol Of Amer - Greater Ny Inc 353100880287
Warrensburg CSD 631201040000
Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD 522101030000
Weedsport CSD 050301040000
Wellspring Schools 342900626081
West Point Middle School 440901996121
West Seneca CSD 142801060000
Westchester Boces 669000000000
Western Ny Maritime Charter School 140600860863
Wheelerville UFSD 170301020000
Whitesville CSD 022101040000
Wynantskill UFSD 490804020000
Yeshiva And Mesivta Wiznitz Of Usa 332000226101
Yeshiva Beth Mikroh 500402229080
Yeshiva Derech Hatorah 332200228580
Yeshiva of Central Queens 342500227011
Yeshiva Shaar Ephraim 500402229528
Yeshiva Yesoda Hatorah Vetz Chaim 331400207091
Yeshivat Ohel Torah 332200226034
Yorkshire-Pioneer CSD 043501060000
Youth Shelter Program Of Westchester 660900891031

USDA Nondiscrimination Statement

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:

  1. mail:
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
    1400 Independence Avenue, SW
    Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or
  2. fax:
    (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
  3. email:

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Click here for Nondiscrimination Statement translations.
