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2016 Professional Cooking Testimonials

“Teachers and assistants were amazing and very informative. I will go back to my school and use the things I learned. I will suggest others take the course!"  -Frank McCann, Red Hook CSD

“This program was very informal and instructional. I have learned so many new things that I’ll be taking back to my school.”  -Marva McKenzie, NYC DOE

“The last four days have been an amazing learning experience. The instructors are a crucial part in my opinion. They are extremely knowledgeable and personable. I will take many ideas, shortcuts and tricks back to my cafeteria.” - Barbara Cama, NYC DOE

“The class was intense, but amazing. I have learned many things to take home with me. Instructors are extremely patient and should be acknowledged for an outstanding job!” - Maureen Pray, Saranac CSD

“Had a great time and learned numerous ways I am going to change my kitchen at school. Thanks for all the hints and ideas you shared. It’s a wonderful feeling to have my questions and worries answered.” - Ann Hutchinson, Springbrook, Inc.

“I loved all classes! I met many wonderful people! I loved HOT Foods! I learned many new techniques to carry through to the lunchroom food. I loved the student assistants. They were very helpful.  COLD Foods used spices I have never used before. Grains class cooked things I have never cooked before such as couscous. Wonderful workshops! Wish we could stay longer so we could learn more.” - Heather Grund,   Sullivan West CSD


2016 Managing Professional Cooking Testimonials

“Best workshop training ever! Accommodations were excellent and teaching staff were incredible! What a great time to get back together and brainstorm!” - Theresa Brown, Pine Valley CSD

“I thought the training was well thought out, entertaining and educational. I will go back to work with new questions to find answers to and new goals to achieve! Thanks for the time well spent!” -Anonymous

“Instructors were very knowledgeable, fun and carried the participants along. I am all energized to go back to my school district and implement what I have learned.” -Anonymous

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