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2024-25 SFSP Site and Administrative Finding Summaries

The table below lists the Sponsors up for review in SY 2024-2025. You can click on the Sponsor name to see a findings summary document after the review has been completed.

Sponsor Name LEA Code
Academy Charter School 280201860934
Addison CSD 570101040000
Albany City SD 010100010000
Albany Leadership Cs-Girls 010100860960
Alfred State College 800000091207
Alfred-Almond CSD 020101040000
Andover CSD 020601040000
Arkport CSD 571901040000
Bais Yisroel School 591401229948
Bath CSD 570302060000
Bnois Spinka 331400229318
Bnos Sanz 800000056831
Bolivar-Richburg CSD 022902040000
Boys & Girls Club Of Buffalo 140600630042
Boys & Girls Club Of Northern Westch 800000068391
Brasher Falls CSD 510101040000
Brentwood UFSD 580512030000
Buffalo City SD 140600010000
Byron-Bergen CSD 180701040000
Cairo-Durham CSD 190301040000
Camp Cpe Inc 800000093291
Campbell-Savona CSD 570603040000
Canajoharie CSD 270301040000
Canisteo-Greenwood CSD 571502060000
Cato-Meridian CSD 050401040000
Charter School-Applied Technologies 142601860031
Citizen Advocates 161501630011
City Of Lackawanna 141800640055
Clinton-Essex-Warren-Washing Boces 099000000000
Coalition-Homeless 310200630550
Cong Teumim Mesivta Inc 800000093245
Congregation Camp D'Masmidim Inc 800000091175
Congregation Heichal Torah Veavodah 800000091173
Congregation Iched Anash 800000060209
Congregation Toras Chesed 332000100027
Congregation Yeshivas Lubavitch 800000092955
Congregation Yeshivas Serdahel 800000092916
Congregation Yeshivas Serdahel 800000092916
Congregation Ymh 342700226439
Cornell University-Upward Bound 800000064872
Cortland City SD 110200010000
Dalton-Nunda CSD (Keshequa) 241101040000
Deposit CSD 031301040000
Dream Charter School East Harlem 310400860919
Dryden CSD 610301060000
East Irondequoit CSD 260801060000
East Rochester UFSD 261313030000
East Syracuse Minoa CSD 420401060000
Edmeston CSD 470501040000
Edwards-Knox CSD 513102040000
Elmira City SD 070600010000
Family Service Society, Incorporated 800000056839
Five Points Mission 310500630044
Food Bank Of Central New York 800000057633
Foodlink Inc 261600100003
Fort Plain CSD 270701040000
Fresh Air Fund (The) 310200630310
Frontier CSD 141604060000
Gan Yisroel Of Crown Heights 800000092173
Geneva City SD 430700010000
Gouverneur CSD 511101060000
Groton CSD 610501040000
Hammondsport CSD 572901040000
Hebrew Educational Society 331800100011
Hempstead UFSD 280201030000
Homes For The Homeless Summer Camp 310600630038
Hornell City SD 571800010000
Hudson City SD 101300010000
Hunter-Tannersville CSD 190901040000
Hyde Park CSD 130801060000
Indian Lake CSD 200401040000
Jamestown City SD 061700010000
Jewish Continuity Association, Inc. 800000076853
Johnson City CSD 031502060000
Kingston City SD 620600010000
Le Roy CSD 181001060000
Liberty CSD 590901060000
Livonia CSD 240801060000
Long Island Cares, Inc 580512630011
M'Kor Boruch 332000100012
Machne Bnos Square Inc. 800000091184
Machne Gila 590901220011
Machnei Yakov Yosef D'Chaseida 800000056765
Madison County Childrens Camp 251400640003
Marion CSD 650701040000
Massena CSD 512001060000
Mcgraw CSD 110304040000
Milford CSD 471101040000
Morris CSD 471201040000
Mosdos Bnei Zion 800000060249
Mosdos Satmar Bp 332000226126
North Rose-Wolcott CSD 651501060000
North Shore Holiday House Inc 580403100003
North Syracuse CSD 420303060000
Oneida City SD 251400010000
Oneida Cty. Upward Bound At Mvcc 800000070725
Oneida-Herkimer-Madison Boces 419000000000
Oppenheim-Ephratah-St. Johnsville Cs 271201040000
Ossining UFSD 661401030000
Otselic Valley CSD 081401040000
Owego-Apalachin CSD 600601060000
Pine Bush CSD 440401060000
Police Athletic League 310200100041
Poughkeepsie City SD 131500010000
Prattsburgh CSD 572301040000
Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk CSD 010402060000
Regional Food Bank Of Neny 800000061357
Rochester City SD 261600010000
Roscoe CSD 591301040000
Rush-Henrietta CSD 261701060000
Salamanca City SD 043200050000
Salmon River CSD 161201040000
Sandy Creek CSD 461901040000
Saratoga Springs City SD 521800010000
Schenectady Inner City Ministries 530600100041
Scio CSD 022401040000
Seneca Falls CSD 560701060000
South Kortright CSD 121702040000
Southampton UFSD 580906030000
Springville-Griffith Inst CSD 141101060000
St Amelia School 142601136293
Suny College At Oneonta Migrant Lead 800000091171
Suny College Of Tech Farmingdale Eop 800000078228
Talmud Torah Of Kasho 331400229492
Talmud Torah Ohr Moshe 332000225465
Talmud Torah Tashbar 331400229671
Tomer Dvora School - Site 1 332000227945
Ufsd-Tarrytowns 660401030000
Union-Endicott CSD 031501060000
Utica University 412300369600
Walton CSD 121901040000
Waterloo CSD 561006060000
Wellsville CSD 022601060000
Westchester Parks Foundation, Inc. 800000087686
White Plains City SD 662200010000
Whitesville CSD 022101040000
Wyandanch UFSD 580109020000
Yeshiva Bais Chaya Esther 332200226066
Yeshiva Bnos Ahavas Israel 331400226942
Yeshiva Of Kasho 331300226204
Ymca Buffalo Niagara 800000087706




USDA Nondiscrimination Statement

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:

  1. mail:
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
    1400 Independence Avenue, SW
    Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or
  2. fax:
    (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
  3. email:

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Click here for Nondiscrimination Statement translations.
