___________________ (school name) invites bidders to submit bids to furnish the following: ____________________________ (what is being procured). Contract will be _________________ (contract beginning date) through _________________ (contract ending date) with the option to renew for up to 4 one year terms. The estimated dollar value of awarded contract is $_________________ annually. This will include delivery to __________ (number of schools or school address).
Bids must be received by the Food Service Director of ___________________ (school name), at ___________________ (address) up until __:___ P.M. CST, bid close date: _________________ (bid close date), at which time and place bids received will be logged for evaluation. Late bids will not be accepted.
Requesting a Copy of IFB; only those organizations who request a copy of the IFB will receive a copy of the IFB. To obtain a copy of the IFB in person or by mail use the following address ___________________ (address), requesting a copy by email, send email to _____________________ (email address).
Required Attendance at Pre-Bid Meeting; organizations who intend to submit bids are required to attend the pre-bid meeting on _________________ (pre-bid meeting date), at __:___ P.M. CST, at the following location: ___________________ (address of pre-bid meeting). Only those organizations that have submitted a responsive bid and attended the required pre-bid meeting will be considered in the evaluation of bids.
Questions; contact ___________________ (school contact person) by phone ______________ (phone number), or email to _____________________ (email address).